Your First Visit
Service Length
Our Sunday service begins at 10:30 a.m. and concludes between 11:45 a.m. and noon. Connect with members after the service at the Connection Café in the fellowship hall. Of course, food is involved.
What to Wear
The majority of people who attend Pine Grove tend to dress casually. What matters most to us is that you're here, not the clothes you come in!
What about my Kids?
Babies / Toddlers: We offer a staffed nursery that's full of toys and a positive environment. The nursery is available anytime before and during the service.
Ages 4-6:
Remain with their parents for the first part of the service then are invited to the Children's Program J.A.M (Jesus and Me). Bible stories, Crafts, Games and more! Following the service, we ask you to pick up your children in the classroom and invite you to stay for coffee and muffins!
Please note:
Everyone who works with children complies with our Plan to Protect Policy (Copies available at the church office), they have a clean criminal record check on file and they have completed the Plan to Protect Canada Certification Training.
Wheelchair accessibility
Our building main floor is wheelchair accessible. The lobby, sanctuary, fellowship hall, kitchen, prayer room, and washrooms are all located on the main floor by using our main entrance.
Typical Service Layout
We express our love and thanks to God by singing together with one of our many worship teams. While we often ask people to stand during the singing, don't feel obligated! . We express our worship in music using blended styles and diverse genres from traditional to contemporary.
If you are visiting for the first time, tell the ushers when you come and they will give you a brochure about our worship service and ministry at Pine Grove.
Our Donation box is located at the door of the sanctuary for your opportunity to worship God by giving to support the church and the work we do in our community and around the world. You are under absolutely no obligation If you are visiting from another church be sure to support your local church ministry.
Each week, the pastor will share a relevant, Bible-based sermon. If you don't have a Bible, don't worry, most of the main points and Bible verses will be up on the big screen. Incidentally, if you want a Bible of your own, we can get you one!
After the pastor's sermon, we offer an invitation to the altar to pray. At Pine Grove we say "there are no rules" about prayer. You can remain in your seat, come to the front and kneel at the altar rail or pray with another person in the church - you decide.
Holy Communion:
We celebrate Holy Communion once a month; usually the first Sunday of the Month. Our Communion is an open table of grace.
Fellowship at the Connection Café:
Enjoy coffee/tea and muffins on us and speak with the folks from the church! Church family connection is very important to Pine Grove! The Connection Café is open every Sunday after the Service. There is no charge.