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Missions Ministry

Pine Grove is excited about our renewed vision for local and global missions. The Missions Ministry exists to pursue the fulfillment of Pine Grove Community Church’s mission to “Love God, Love Others, Serve the World.” We can only serve the world when we have the first two of these principles firmly embedded in our hearts.

Please Checkout our Missions BLOG for reports on what's been happening!

Our Local Missions include:

Rustle Free Methodist Church, Kingston is our sister church with whom we enjoy a close relationship.  Together we:

  • Serve the lower income population of Kingston through donations to their food cupboard
  • Offer regular monthly support
  • Serve at functions in our churches and communities together
  • Provide winter clothing
  • Share meals with each other and with those who need a helping hand

Kingston Pregnancy Care Centre: We participate in their annual baby bottle drive and congregation is actively directly involved in this ministry.

Food Bank: Each week please bring non-perishable items to donate and we will deliver to the area food banks.

Mitten Tree: Knit or donate mitts, scarves, socks, underwear for those in need.

Prayer Blankets: Do you know someone in need of prayer and a church family that cares? Pine Grove is that place. Members of our congregation have created beautiful quilts to remind people that we are praying...and that hope comes from prayer.

Our Global Mission Partnerships include: